Friendship Gets Better With Age

Friendship Gets Better With Age

Starting last summer I found myself in a more relaxed daily structure: spending more connected and determining what it is I want to accomplish over the next 50 years. It was amazing. However, the universe had something different in mind for me recently. Late spring and early summer brought a whirlwind of events, some expected, some not. Now that life is settling back down, these little detour was a great reminder about the ability to adapt without taking on too much negative energy.

During this shake up I was once again reminded of the amazing friends that have placed themselves in my life. When we are learning about friendship at a young age – we really aren’t picky in who we choose to spend our time with. Classmates, family friends, and neighbors provide the interaction needed to go out and explore the world. Then junior high and high school, ugh. Most females will likely admit that high school was their least favorite point in time. During this phase, you do get to be more selective, but we don’t always choose wisely. Most of us now know true friends stick around – maybe they are in the background for a period of time and re-emerge when the time is right.


As an adult you find yourself with different friend groups, each fulfilling a different energy you are drawn to: laughter, quiet support, craziness, love or help getting over yourself. Different events bring you together: love for the great outdoors, kid’s sports, high school antics, working together 8 hours a day … but kindness and laughter keep you together. Somehow you just click – and sometimes you don’t know why, and it doesn’t matter.

Why is it that we don’t seem to gain wisdom until age 45 or 50? Until very recently, I always wanted to handle everything myself, until I realized I was completely missing out. Asking friends for help, or better yet, when those friends just provide it without you asking – makes a world of difference. We all need people to lean on. And good friends want to “be there” for you (just like I would if I thought I was needed).

Acquaintance or True Friend?

I read a really great book recently called The Celestine Prophecy. It’s a fictional story, but written as a real-life experience. The main premise is that you are meant to find the right people at the right time, once you start paying attention. They may be in your life for a short period – but you are meant to learn something specific from them (or they from you). You could call this a co-incidence. Others may turn out to be life-long companions, because they offer you something you are missing in life.

But keep in mind, you also need the right amount of alone time. Make sure you take advantage of this time: do something meaningful or nothing at all. It is said when you take the time to create something, it offers you purpose and a sense of a accomplishment – that will certainly recharge your batteries.

You may also feel the need to disengage from certain “friends” that seem to drain your energy. Don’t be afraid to do so and spend your valuable time on your terms.

There are no coincidences in life. You have surrounded yourself with certain people at this very moment for a reason. They are here to help you with your purpose in life. If you aren’t yet sure of your life’s purpose, no worries, you will figure it out soon enough.

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